How it Works

  • Marketplace

    PayerMiles's marketplace is a platform to make it easier for selling or buying the value of your rewards points. Seller or Brokers selling their rewards points to buyer which can then be used to purchase any type of other rewards points that suit your needs. Marketplace listing serve as a median to transform what you currently have into what you need.

  • How does it work?

    PayerMiles credits a standardized exchange rewards points on trade transaction. You can trade or sell the rewards points you have for marketplace listing. Value trade can then be redeemed for any type of rewards points you need. The market value of rewards points is constantly fluctuating.

  • How to Process

    You can posting on the marketplace, based on their current what you want, for that dollar amount's equivalent in value of points. (e.g., 100,000 rewards points at a 1.2 cent market value can be sale for $1200 and some sell for under 1.2 cent per miles). However, while the monetary value of rewards points constantly fluctuates based on the demand for the specific type of reward point. After you get the sales results, you can use them to purchase any rewards points you desire after browsing the marketplace. This process allows you to maximize the value of the rewards points you have and transfer them into other types of rewards points that better suit your travel needs.

  • Can PayerMiles deactivate my profile?

    - An account that violates PayerMiles's Terms and Conditions will be deactivated immediately. Sharing personal information, abusing or harassing other users, are among the reasons an account can be deactivated.

    - PayerMiles reserves the right to deactivate any account that negatively impacts the PayerMiles community.

    - Your account can be deactivated if found making a transactions outside the PayerMiles platform.

    - If you don't know why your account was deactivated, you can contact our Customer Support.
  • How do I view my marketplace listings?

    To view your inventory, you can go to "Mainpage" menu, there you will see all your listing. In your Listings or Marketplace page, you can view all of the active listings.

  • How do I view my trade history?

    To view your trade history, find and click the "Transactions" menu. Once in the transactions page, you can filter or find the transaction ID. If you want to view detail transaction you can click "action" Button.

  • Does PayerMiles ever manipulate the value of rewards points?

    PayerMiles never manipulates or changes anything within the market. Only sellers or buyers have access there. Any changes occurring within the market are strictly due to the collective actions of Buyer and Seller/ Brokers alone.

  • Who decides the prices?
    The seller chooses what they want for their points.

    The market's price for the points you're looking for is determined by what everyone else has already paid for them in previous trades. By checking the market's price, you'll have a good idea of around what you should be paying for the points you want.

    Cheaper price you given from other sales, so there will be more interest from buyers.
  • What is the PayerMiles Marketplace?
    The PayerMiles marketplace is where you can trade rewards points from the seller or brokers.

    Brokers come to PayerMiles with all different kinds of rewards points and trade with each other. Based on what brokers and travelers want, and what's available, the value of every kind of rewards point is always changing.
  • How do I trade?
    Trading on PayerMiles is simple. You can either be a buyer or a seller in a trade on the our flagship platform.

    To sell your points, follow these steps:

    List the kind of rewards points you have, and how many you want to sell. Once a buyer finds you, negotiate a price for your points on the smart messaging system we have.

    There are 3 ways to do transaction to the buyer:

    Transfer Points: You can transfer your points to the buyer's account through transaction menu and click "action". After the buyer receives your points, the buyer is obliged to release the funds to the seller. And our system will automatically credited balance into the seller's account.

    Account Access: You can account access with a certain time limit to the buyer's through transaction menu and click "action". After the buyer receives your account access and checked, the buyer is obliged to release the funds to the seller. And our system will automatically credited balance into the seller's account. In one case, the buyer's will release funds to the seller for a long time, for example the buyer's wants to order tickets through the seller's airlines account. Then the buyer's will release the funds to the seller once they done their destination on their trip.

    Ticket Booking: You can book the ticket to the buyer's and send proof of ticket booking through transaction menu and click "action". After the buyer receives your ticket booking and checked, the buyer is obliged to release the funds to the seller. And our system will automatically credited balance into the seller's account.

    To buy points, follow these steps:

    Find the points you want on the marketplace. Negotiate a price with the seller for the points you want on the smart messaging system we have.

    There are 3 ways to do transaction to the seller:

    Transfer points: You can receive points transfers from the seller and proof of transfer through transaction menu and click "action". After you receives the points, so you must obliged to release the funds to the seller. And our system will automatically credited balance into the seller's account.

    Account Access: You can get account access with a certain time limit from the seller through transaction menu and click "action". After you receives account access and checked, you must obliged to release the funds to the seller. And our system will automatically credited balance into the seller's account. In one case, the buyer's will release funds to the seller for a long time, for example the buyer's wants to order tickets through the seller's airlines account. Then the buyer's will release the funds to the seller once they done their destination on their trip.

    Ticket Booking: You can asking seller to order the tickets and get proof of ticket booking from the seller through transaction menu and click "action". After you receives your ticket booking and checked, you must obliged to release the funds to the seller. And our system will automatically credited balance into the seller's account.

    Note: Don't release funds to the seller before obtaining what you have purchased.
  • How do I post my points for sale?
    To post your points, click on the "New Posting" on Mainpage menu or Marketplace menu.

    On the create posting page, there are a few options that need to be filled out:

    Type: You can choose one from 2 type is Buy or Sell.

    Points Name: You can choose one of names or points types (e.g Delta Skymiles, United Airlines or American Airlines etc).

    Total Points: Enter the number of points you want to sell.

    Price: How much price your asking, enter the total price you want to sell your points for.

    Description: Enter a description of what you're offering to trade. Include details you think buyers may want to know about what you're offering.

    Points Transfer: If you choose "Yes" so you can do transfer points to the buyer on the transaction page after the buyer's bought your points.

    Booking: If you choose it's so you can do ticket booking to the buyer.

    Account Access: If you choose it's so you can given account access to the buyer.

    When you’re done entering all of your information, click the "Submit" button.
  • How do I search for points?
    To bid on points, click on the listing you want on the Marketplace page then check that the price and conditions are close to what you’re looking for. Click on the "Offer Now" button. This button will take you to a private chatroom with the seller. In the chatroom, negotiate a price and make an offer.

    When you and the seller agree to a deal, complete your purchase by clicking the "Purchase Now" button on the top right of the chatroom.
  • How do I view my trade history?

    To view your trade history, find and click the "Transaction" menu. Once in the transaction page, you can filter the transaction ID or sale type.

  • How do I receive the points or service I traded for?
    If you’ve traded for points or services, you and the seller should to agree on one of the 3 transfer options:

    Points Transfer: Transfer points from seller to the buyer.

    Account Access: The seller gives account access to the buyer after the buyer makes a purchase with your points.

    Ticket Booking: The seller will do ticket booking to the buyer after the buyer makes a purchase with your points.
  • What if I don't receive the points or service I traded for?
    Don't release funds to the seller before obtaining what you have purchased, report the incident to our Customer Support immediately. We also recommend you file a dispute with PayerMiles's Admin chat.

    PayerMiles backs all trades. If you did not receive the service you purchase, we'll send you a full refund if something undesirable happens. It's the seller's responsibility to provide proof that the service was fulfilled.

    For more about complaints and bad trades, check out our Terms of services.
  • How does PayerMiles make money from trading?

    We receive an automatic system 3% "tip system" from the seller in every trade.

  • Check the Website Address
    The web address that you're using should start name with this: If the website you're on looks like PayerMiles, but isn't at one of these addresses, please don't use it.

    Look out for misspelled versions of the name "PayerMiles". If PayerMiles isn't spelled right, the website is fake.
  • Report Fake Websites to this Platform
    If you think you've been on a fake PayerMiles website, report it immediately to Send us all of the information you can about the fake site and where you found it.

    We take scammers very seriously, and investigate every reported case.
  • Why was text removed from my PayerMiles message thread?
    Text will be removed from your PayerMiles message thread if you engage in abuse, share personal information of other users, or otherwise violate PayerMiles's Terms of Services on chatroom.
    If you continue to abuse other users or violate PayerMiles's Terms of Services, you may be removed from the site and permanently banned.
  • What are the identification (Verification) requirements to book and trade on PayerMiles?
    In order to book and trade on PayerMiles, you must have a Broker Profile (also called a Travel Agent Profile or Seller/Broker Profile). To get a Broker Profile, you first need all of the verifications needed for both a Basic and Traveler profile:

    Basic Profile
    - With a basic profile, you can browse the website and view the listings on the marketplace.
    - To create a Basic Profile, you need to provide PayerMiles with your full name, email address, and phone number.

    Traveler Profile - With a Traveler Profile, you can post your trip, make purchases, and leave reviews for agents you've booked with.
    - To upgrade to a Traveler Profile, you need to provide PayerMiles with your address and a government issued ID These verifications make the marketplace a safer place, and keep the costs down.

    For a Broker profile, PayerMiles requires full ID verification.
  • Security Resources
    How do I know if an email is really from PayerMiles?
    Fake emails are a common way for scammers to try to steal your personal information. These emails can look a lot like real ones from websites like PayerMiles.

    There are ways to tell if an email is from PayerMiles or a scammer.

    Signs That an Email is Fake
    Fake emails do their best to look like real PayerMiles emails. They often include the PayerMiles logo and a PayerMiles email address in the form line (Ex. From:

    Many times, a fake email will copy text from real PayerMiles emails, like notifications of account problems or offers to become a PayerMiles travel agent.
    Here are some signs to look out for:

    Confidential Information
        - Fake emails will often ask you to include confidential information in a reply email.
        - Real PayerMiles Emails will never ask you to include confidential information in an email.

        - Fake emails often have an urgent tone. Many times they threaten to suspend or deactivate your account if you don't update your account information immediately, by email.
        - Real PayerMiles Emails will never ask you to include confidential information in an email.

        - Fake emails will sometimes include attachments. These attachments are dangerous and can steal your personal information or give your computer viruses when downloaded.
        - Real PayerMiles Emails never include attachments.

        - Fake emails will often begin with a generic greeting like, "Attention PayerMiles Member".
        - Real PayerMiles Emails will usually greet you by the first and last name you registered on your account, and your PayerMiles username.
  • Recognizing Real Links to PayerMiles Site

    Fake emails will often include a link to a fake PayerMiles web page that looks very real. Scammers use web pages like this to steal personal information from PayerMiles users. Be careful.

  • How to Tell If a Link to PayerMiles site is Fake:

    Always start from the PayerMiles homepage. If you're not sure if the website you're on is really PayerMiles, just go straight to

  • What if I transferred the points or booked a service, and the buyer claims they didn't receive it?
    There are steps to take when the buyer claims that they did not receive the points or service you sent them. The first thing you should do is communicate. Reach out to the buyer with PayerMiles's smart messaging we have. It could be as simple as a misunderstanding or a miscommunication. If you can't reach a solution with the buyer, you should file a dispute with PayerMiles's Dispute Center. The Dispute Center will examine the case and come to final decision about who is liable.

    Make sure you provide all of the evidence you have from the trade to the detail transaction on Transaction menu. Otherwise, you will most likely be found liable for the claim.
    The seller is always responsible for providing evidence of a trade.
    As the seller it's critical that you document everything you can before, during, and after a trade. You have up to 90 days after a trade is completed to file a dispute with the Dispute Center.
  • Help from PayerMiles
    If you and another user can't resolve a dispute on your own, you can file a dispute with PayerMiles's Dispute Center or Admin chatroom. The Dispute Center will review the dispute and come to a final decision within 120 hours of filing.

    PayerMiles has a team of dedicated Dispute Officers whose only job is to reach fair resolutions between users. Each dispute is assigned a specific Dispute Officer. That officer will review all information provided by the users before making a final decision.

    Your dispute's officer may need to contact you for more information while the review is in progress. Make sure you monitor your email for notifications from the Dispute Center.